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EE Level I teacher training

EE level One is for me, the most important level of all. It is purely about teaching the rider, the correct position, correct synchronisation with the horse’s movement in all three paces, and teaching aids that work with, not against the horse.


The Online Teacher Training Level 1 course will start officially in January 2022,  running for 12 months. The course will cover the same content as before, with a subject covered in depth each month for the first six months via video,  and also Zoom lectures and discussion twice monthly. These will be recorded for students to refer back to.

For the second six months, participants will need to find a minimum of two volunteer students  to teach, and submit videos of their initial assessment then subsequent lessons, showing improvement made. Participants are also welcome to submit videos of their own riding, for assessment and constructive critique.

Online Teacher Trainees will be given free membership of the Online Classical Riding Academy, as the library of videos on the site will cover all of the topics and will be used as course material. It is hoped that Heather can still have volunteer horses and riders each month to video for discussion and assessment.


EE Level One covers:


  • Recognition of the correct seat, and all deviations from it.

  • Ability to correct faults at halt.

  • Recognising asymmetry in the seat at halt and correction.

  • Teaching the correct movements of pelvis in walk, recognising when the rider is blocking the walk by pushing with the seat, and correcting.

  • Recognising asymmetry in the seat in walk, and correction.

  • Teaching rising trot. Recognising correct rising trot, and incorrect, correcting incorrect.

  • Sitting trot, recognising correct absorption of the movement and several variations which are incorrect and which block the horse. Sitting trot has perhaps the most possible permutations from the correct, and each needs to have specific corrections.

  • Canter, absorbing the movement correctly, and incorrectly. Canter is the hardest of all to correct when a rider has become set in a particular way to compensate. 

  • Teaching feel, ie when the hindlegs are coming under, or striking the ground, when the horse’s shoulder is back, or swinging forwards. Teaching the rider to feel the correct diagonal, without looking down. Teaching how to feel for the correct canter strike off.

  • Teaching the use of the legs, the use of hands, use of body weight/torso, use of seat.

  • Teaching the aids of the seat, legs, hands, weight and torso. Aids for forwards movement, in all three paces, aids for turning, aids for halt. 

  • Basic transitions halt to walk, walk to trot, trot to canter, and downwards transitions, canter to trot, trot to walk, walk to halt. Walk to canter if horse is capable of it, as is easier to teach the rider.

  • Teaching a dismounted workshop

  • Recognising saddle balance

  • Instilling confidence.


Full price for the complete EE Level 1 training course is £1,500.00. There is a special section on accessible only to EETTs where booking forms and payment plans are available. If wishing to pay the full amount in advance, please contact Heather via email  


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